Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lip Print Analysis

Lip prints, like fingerprints, are unique to each person; no two are the same. the characteristics of a lip print can be defined by the height of the arches, slope of the corners, space between lips, and any cracks, scars, or distinctive marks on the lips.

In class each person put down a lip print on an index card and had to identify and label any distinguishing characteristics about their own lips.

Then the class split up into groups of three or four and each person has to lay down another print on the same sheet of white paper in the same orientation. The sheet with all the group member's lip prints is then passed to another group along with  the index cards of each persons individual analysis. The group will then write the defining features they can identify on the white sheet and try to match each print to one of the prints on the index card.


  1. You listed many characteristics that I had not considered such as the slope of the corners and the space between the lips; these would be very helpful in the identification process.

  2. Before this little activity, I had no clue lip-prints were so unique to every person :) Anyways, I'm not sure if you have a picture because none of them show up on my computer, but if there's not maybe add a picture of your index card? You also have just one typo, you forgot the "D" at the end of "card". :) Good job!

  3. I didn't know lip prints were so similar to fingerprints until you informed me! Clever girl! I reall like the way you placed your pictures and texted; it is organized perfectly.
